The Lord of the Rings: Conquest - game update v.1.1 US - Download. Game update (patch) to The Lord of the Rings: Conquest, a(n) action game, v.1.1 US, added on Monday, March 2, 2009. File type Game update. File size 8.7 MB. Downloads 6907 (last 7 days) 6. Last update Monday, March 2, 2009. Page 1 of 2 - BFME1 T3A Patch 1.06 Installer (all-in-one) - posted in T3A:Online Support and Discussion: Dont have BFME1 installed yet? Well, getting the game patched and ready just got a lot easier.Weve created an all-in-one patch installer, so once youve installed the game its now really simple to get it up-to-date, extended widescreen zoom and server launcher included! The subreddit for the game Lord of the Rings Online. Now free to play, get it HERE! Please keep discussion civil. Posts or comments badmouthing the game or it's users will be removed. Further actions taken as necessary. Please do not post anything that violates agreements with Turbine or LOTRO.

Lord Of The Rings Conquest Patch 1.1
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- YnAMP - Yet (not) Another Maps PackA compilation of maps and script with culturally linked start location or TSL
- Trade Routes GuideGuide to traders, trade routes, and other related information.
- Housing GuideUpdated: Oct 30, 2016
- Production QueueAdd a production queue to city production management
- Unit Report ScreenAdds a Unit Report Screen and Fixes Yields Report
- Quo's Combined TweaksCombines various tweaks from the 'Quo's' series into one package.
- Moar Units ModAdds 10 general units and 2 additional unique units for each Civilization.
- Amenity GuideUpdated: Oct 27, 2016
- Civ VI ReferenceAlternative to Civilopedia - faster/easier to use fully linked internally
- AI+Updated: Mar 15, 2019
The Lord Of The Rings Conquest Patch 1.12
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The Lord Of The Rings Conquest Patch 1.14
- Delta_Strife
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Faerun for BNW
A mod set in the fantasy world of the Forgotten RealmsCiv VI Reference
Alternative to Civilopedia - faster/easier to use fully linked internallyAmenity Guide
Iron Angel, Oct 27, 2016Shekelesh Unit Pack
register, May 10, 2015Moar Units Mod
Adds 10 general units and 2 additional unique units for each Civilization.PhotoKinetik
This is a ReShade Preset for Civ VI, to be used with ReShade 2.0.3. All files are included in .zip.