Escort Radar Software


Escort Radar Detector Software


Escort Radar Detector Software Updates

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  • Escort 9500IX Radar SmartCord. Escort Passport 9500IX Radar/Laser Detector Smartcord includes a power-on indicator, bright alert, and a mute button. With these features of the cord, you can easily operate the Radar. So, when you want, you can set the Radar in dark mode and use the smartcard.
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Escort Radar Software
Apr 11, 2014
Reaction score
Birmingham, AL

Escort Radar Software Update

Just and update for you Escort users.. A new version of Escort Detector Tools is out. It will update when you run Escort Detector tools. It is version v. 1.11.18
When I initially ran it (I have a Passport Max - but didn't have it connected initially)
I saw this screen:
And was like great.. they finally added something new for this -- But,.. once I conncected my detector it went away, that tab and screen is gone.
The Remove Location Types is not grayed out (IIRC it was grayed out in the last version.. maybe someone can confirm that for me, with the P. Max and old version of Detector Tools). So that's an improvement of functionality if so.. If not.. then it's an update that for the P. Max does nothing,.. but for other detectors it does something, an update doesn't occur for no reason lol. I imagine the 9500, and such detectors get some help with bugs, etc.
Here's a video of when I plugged in my Passport Max to it, as I was testing to see if that screen above was going to be available.. and of course it wasn't. Oh well:
Just thought you guys would like to know a new version is out..