Download BlueStacks Version full offline installer. Bluestacks is a full rooted Bluestacks installer & you can download here from In this Bluestacks version, you can run all latest games & apps without any restriction. So download & play.
- Download Bluestacks For Windows 7
- Bluestacks Setup For Windows 7
- Bluestacks 4 Download For Pc Windows 7
Run Your All Android App On PC with BlueStacks.
So Download now the new Bluestacks 5 Offline installer for PC Windows 10/8/7 and Enjoy your game. Click Here For Download. Check Also: Download MSI App Player Version 4.80 Offline Installer; Download MEmu 7.1.1 Emulator for Low Specification PC; Download Bluestacks 4.80 Version Offline Installer from Google Drive; Release note. Apr 30, 2021 For the BlueStacks download, click on the green button at the top of the page. This version is compatible with Windows 7/8/10. MSI App Player; Emulation.

Bluestacks is a Windows & Mac-based Android Virtual Machine Software, Which can run or play all Android Apps On PC. Bluestacks installs a latest Android Operating System on PC according to its version update. You can also download all apps from Google Play store app because it comes with pre-installed with every latest Bluestacks release and Google Play Store also available in Bluestacks rooted version. So you can do everything as you can on Android-based devices.
Download & install BlueStacks Version from Official
To download BlueStacks Version rooted from click on download link: Click here to Download.
- After clicking on above link a new tab will open and download page will appear.
- On download page click on DOWNLOAD (194.71 MB) green button.
- As you click on the button a file dialog box will appear then click on Save File button to start the file download.
- wait until the file is not fully downloaded. When it gets download open the download folder.
- Double click or right click and Run as administrator to run BlueStacks Version. Rooted.msi.
- Accept the license agreement checkbox and click on Next button.
- Click on Next button again.
- Now click on Install button and the installation starts.
- After Installation click on Finish button. And your installation will be completed.
If the download link is not working, please report us.
Garena Free Fire PC is one of the most trending games among youth around the globe. Everybody is showing their interest and love towards gerena free fire battle grounds game. Basically, it is an android game which can be downloaded on all android phones. But this article will help you download free fire for pc on windows 10/8.1/7 and mac os.
Free Fire was developed by 111dots Studio and published by garena who is a popular game publisher across the world. They have somehow managed to release free fire for iOS devices including android. But they haven’t thought of releasing free fire for windows and mac.
Don’t worry, we have come up with a wonderful trick that can help you with the download of garena free fire game on your pc and laptop.

Recommended System Requirements for Free Fire To Work On PC
We did a small research by installing garena free fire game on various personal computers with different resource levels. Finally, we have shared the best and recommended system requirements for Free Fire Battlegrounds PC Game for Windows 10/8.1/7, Mac OS X.
- OS: Windows 10, Windows 8.1, Windows 7, Windows Vista, Windows XP SP3, Mac OS X (All Variants).
- Processor: Dual Core 2+ GHz (or) Intel Core i5-680 (or) AMD FX 6300.
- RAM: 6GB.
- Graphic Cards: Intel HD Graphics 5200 (requires DirectX 11 compatible card).
- Storage Space: At least 4GB free space in the internal hard disk (SSD/HDD).
Download and Install Free Fire PC on Windows 10, 8.1, 7 & Mac
Since free fire exe is not available for windows computers, we are going to use the android emulator. With the help of an android emulator, we can easily run android version of free fire on windows 10 or mac.
Size of the free fire game on android platform is almost around 680MB. It requires a lot of resources such as a good RAM, Processor, Graphics for a lag free gaming experience. So, it’s always recommended to maintain at least 4GB RAM and Intel Core i5 (recommended) processor and at least 2GB graphic cards on your pc. You can also use custom built personal computers with these requirements.
Whenever a question comes about the best android emulator for free fire, I would say 3 to 4 names. Let’s see what are they and what are the settings that you require to configure on the android emulator.
Download Free Fire for PC using Bluestacks 5 Beta or Bluestacks 4
Bluestacks is the best android emulator which works pretty well for all heavy games such as Free Fire, PubG, Fortnite, etc. It is getting better day to day with fixes to internal bugs and lag issues. You can try out either bluestacks 5 beta version or bluestacks 4 stable version for downloading garena free fire on windows 10/8.1/7 or mac.
- Go to the official website of bluestacks and download the latest android emulator for your windows or mac.
- If you have chosen the online installer, the emulator will be installed on your pc directly from web. Otherwise, you have to manually install bluestacks offline installer on your pc by going through on-screen instructions.
- Launch bluestacks on your windows or mac after installation is over.
- Open Google Play on bluestacks app player.
- Search for “Free Fire” and hit the “Install” button to add free fire to your windows or mac.
- Since it is a big sized game, it will take sometime to finish the installation process.
- You will get a a notification from bluestacks once installation is over.
That’s it! you have successfully installed free fire pc on your windows 10/8.1/7 and mac os x. But, you need to configure few settings in order to run free fire game smoothly on your pc. Let’s check out what you need to configure inside the bluestacks emulator.
Also Check: Download Free Fire for PC Without Bluestacks
Best Settings for Garena Free Fire PC on Bluestacks
Configuring the settings mentioned below helps in lag free gaming experience on your windows and mac. Let’s get started with the actual settings we are talking about.
- Open bluestacks settings on your pc or laptop. To open the settings of bluestacks, tap the gear icon which is available at the top right corner of the bluestacks screen.
- Display settings will be opened up, choose “System Default” under resolution.
- Select 240 DPI under DPI settings. Do not change them if they are already selected.
- Go to Engine settings now.
- Choose OpenGL if you are using graphics on your pc. Otherwise, it’s advised to go with the first option which is DirectX.
- Scroll down to CPU and RAM allocation now.
- Choose Level “6” for CPU Cores. Selecting lower levels will not help you with a good gaming experience.
- Increase the memory to 3000 MB or above if you are using 6GB or 8GB RAM on your pc.
- Choose “30” or “35” Frames Per Second under FPS settings. Using more will get you lags and glitches while playing the game. Opting for lower frames per second will not give you a better gaming experience for sure.
- Hit “Restart Now” button once you have selected those settings.
Once bluestacks is restarted, all the settings that you have chosen above will be applied. So that you can play free fire pc on windows and mac without lags.
Download Free Fire for PC using Nox Player 7 on Mac, Windows
Nox player is one of the finest app players in the industry especially for gaming purpose. If you are on mac, I would definitely love to suggest you nox. On the other hand, nox works pretty well on low end personal computers as well.
- Download nox player 7 (latest version) from it’s official website shared above.
- Once it is downloaded, install it on your mac or windows.
- Launch nox player once it is installed. Make sure that your mac or windows is connected to a stable internet connection.
- Go to the search bar of the nox player and search for “Free Fire”.
- Hit “Install” button to Install Free Fire on PC without bluestacks because we are not using it now.
- Once free fire game is installed on your pc, you can immediately start playing.
If your pc or macbook is good enough in terms of resources such as RAM, Processor, CPU handling capacity, you can directly play the game. Otherwise, it is suggested to configure few settings on nox player for free fire to run without errors.
Best Settings for Free Fire PC on Nox Player
These settings are mandatory for personal computers with low resource levels. Kindly cross check them once before you actually want to play the game, I can understand your excitement though.
- Open Settings of the Nox App Player, you can go to the small gear icon which is present besides app center menu at the top right corner of the nox screen.
- Go to Performance Settings now. Choose High ( 2 Core CPU, 3072MB Memory ) if your pc is capable enough. Otherwise, please select Low ( 1 Core CPU, 1024MB Memory ) or Medium ( 2 Core CPU, 2048MB Memory). I would not suggest the custom settings because it’s one of the major reasons for lags in free fire on windows 10, mac.
- Select “Enhanced Compatibility Mode(OpenGL+)” under Graphics rendering mode if your pc supports that. Otherwise, select Basic Mode (DirectX).
- Choose “1280×720” under resolution settings, please don’t skip this step.
- Now, go to Game Settings at the left side menu.
- Choose anything between 30 to 60 under Frame Settings. Do not select “Enable High FPS Mode (120FPS)”.
Do not touch anything else apart from the settings mentioned above. Hit “Save Settings” button to apply the settings that you have opted for playing free fire with no lags on pc.
Keyboard Settings to Play Free Fire Game On PC using Nox Player
Download Free Fire Game on PC using MSI App Player on Windows 10, 8.1, 7
MSI App Player is known to be the fastest android emulator for windows laptops. Interesting fact about msi is that, it’s a product of bluestacks and it does not support mac os x. But it works pretty well with msi hardware devices (custom built pc’s with msi hardware).
- Download MSI App Player on your Windows 10 or Windows 8.1, Windows 7 from the above link.
- I guess you have downloaded the online installer.
- Anyways, go to the file location of msi app player on your windows pc.
- Double tap the software to start installing, go through the steps shown on-screen one by one.
- Once, installation is over, you will be able to install apps and games on your windows pc.
- Open “Google Play” which is available under “Installed Apps” section of the msi app player.
- Search for Free Fire Game and install the game on pc inside the msi android emulator.
Best Settings for Free Fire PC Version on MSI App Player
If you are using msi hardware, you don’t need to worry about the system resources such as CPU, GPU, RAM and other things. But it is necessary to cross check the setting shared below in case you are using normal pc with medium resource levels.
- Open MSI app player and hit that small gear icon to open up the msi player settings.
- Go down a little bit and select the “Engine” settings.
- Make sure that you have selected “OpenGL” for better gaming experience. This setting is only recommended if you have at least medium to high resource levels. Otherwise, it’s better to go with “DirectX”.
- Choose “5” under CPU Cores settings and recommended memory is 4GB.
- Nothing more is needed to configure other than the settings mentioned above. You can refer the detailed guidethat is shared on msi official website.
Frequently Asked Questions
1. Is there a pc version of free fire?
Free fire pc version is not available for download as of now. But you can install freefire game on your pc with the help of an android emulator.
2. How to install garena free fire on pc?
Download and install bluestacks android emulator on your pc first of all. Launch the app player and open google play, search for the game and install it on your pc.
3. Which emulator is best for free fire in pc?
Every single android emulator available in the internet can install free fire game on your pc. But bluestacks, nox and msi app players are the best android app players for lag free gaming experience on high end and lowe end personal computers.
Download Bluestacks For Windows 7
4. Can I play free fire in 1gb RAM pc?
Bluestacks Setup For Windows 7
Of course, you can play the game in 1gb RAM pc but you have to configure the RAM and CPU settings based on your pc’s RAM. I would suggest you go with the bluestacks or msi app player in this scenario.
5. How do you use free fire on low-end pc?
It’s all about making changes to the settings of the android emulator that you use. If you wish to configure the settings from a very basic level, nox would be the best one.
Final Review – Download Free Fire for PC on Windows 10/8.1/7, Mac
Bluestacks 4 Download For Pc Windows 7
PC version of free fire battlegrounds is not yet developed by 111dots and garena. So, we have to use the android version on your pc with the help of an android emulator. In this article, we have explained the process of installing free fire game on pc by using bluestacks, nox, msi player.