Cfx Maestro Software

  1. CFX Maestro™ Software for Mac User Guide Version 1.1. CFXMaestro™SoftwareforMac UserGuide Version1.1. Bio-RadTechnicalSupportDepartment TheBio.
  2. CFX Maestro Software for Mac is an easy-to-learn and easy-to-use comprehensive suite of tools for analysis of real-time PCR data from the CFX series of real-time PCR systems. CFX Maestro Software for Mac is optimized to streamline the process of plate setup, data collection, data analysis, and data visualization of real-time PCR data but does.

CFX Maestro Software for Mac is an easy-to-learn and easy-to-use comprehensive suite of tools for analysis of real-time PCR data from the CFX series of real-time PCR systems. CFX Maestro Software for Mac is optimized to streamline the process of plate setup, data collection, data analysis, and data visualization of real-time PCR data but does.

Droplet Digital™ PCR

Bio-Rad’s Droplet Digital PCR (ddPCR™) system provides absolute quantification of target DNA or RNA molecules with unmatched sensitivity and precision for a wide range of applications.

QX200™ Droplet Digital PCR System

The QX200 Droplet Digital PCR system is Bio-Rad’s second-generation ddPCR system. It allows absolute quantification of target DNA or RNA molecules for EvaGreen or probe-based digital PCR applications.

Benefits of the QX200 Droplet Digital PCR system

  • Most precise and sensitive digital PCR solution for a wide variety of applications
  • Flexible digital PCR chemistry – optimized for hydrolysis probes and EvaGreen assays
  • Flexible assay setup – scalable for high sensitivity or high throughput
  • Simple and easy-to-use workflow with 96-sample throughput
  • Droplet partitioning by the QX200 Droplet Digital technology reduces bias from amplification efficiency and PCR inhibitors
  • Convenient assay design – standard curves are not required

The QX200 droplet generator is used to partition ddPCR reaction mix into 20,000 nanoliter-sized droplets. After PCR on a thermal cycler, droplets from each sample are analyzed individually on the QX200 droplet reader. Droplets pass by a two-color optical detection system in a serial manner. The PCR-positive and PCR-negative droplets are counted to provide absolute quantification of target DNA in digital form. Alternatively, amplified products can be extracted from droplets following PCR for downstream applications, such as sequencing or cloning. Up to 96 samples can be processed per run.

  • 1Prepare ddPCR reaction mix

    • Combine DNA sample, primers, and/or probes with one of Bio-Rad’s ddPCR supermixes
    • Fully validated PrimePCR ddPCR assays can be used
  • 2Generate droplets

    • Load the ddPCR reaction mix into the wells of a droplet generator cartridge
    • 8 x 20,000 droplets are generated from each run in the QX200 droplet generator
    • Target DNA () and background DNA () are randomly distributed in droplets
  • 3Perform PCR with EvaGreen or hydrolysis probes

    • Transfer the droplets to a 96-well PCR plate and seal the plate
    • Run the PCR protocol
  • 4Read and analyze results

    • After PCR, load the 96-well PCR plate into the QX200 droplet reader
    • Positive and negative droplets in each sample are read
    • Analyze concentrations with QuantaSoft™ software

Applications of the QX200 Droplet Digital PCR System

  • Cancer biomarker studies and copy number variation
    Measure varying degrees of cancer mutations, detect rare DNA targets, and resolve copy number variation states with superior sensitivity and resolution. Predesigned and wet-lab validated PrimePCR™ ddPCR assays are now available for mutation and copy number detection.
  • Pathogen detection
    Employ the extreme precision of the QX200 system to quantify small fold changes in target DNA or RNA molecules for pathogen detection and monitoring.
  • Next generation sequencing
    Perform quality control and absolute quantification of NGS libraries without the use of a standard curve.
  • Gene expression analysis
    Achieve reliable and reproducible measurements of small fold changes for low abundance mRNAs and miRNAs.
  • Environmental monitoring
    Test a wide variety of environmental samples like soil and water using the QX200 system.
  • Food testing
    Perform routine evaluation of genetically modified organisms (GMOs) using validated ddPCR methods.

Specifications for the QX200 Droplet Digital PCR system

Starting sample size, μl20
QX200 droplet generator capacity, samples/cartridge8
Droplets per sample20,000
Detection channelsFAM, VIC/HEX
Linear dynamic range5 orders of magnitude
Droplets per 96-well plate, million1.4

Digital PCR Reagents and Kits

Maestro hotel softwareMaestro

Ready-to-use 2X supermixes that are suitable for use in ddPCR assays. Tested for reliable amplification over a wide dynamic range of template input and template type (genomic DNA, cDNA, and plasmid DNA).

Probe Assays for Droplet Digital PCR

Cfx Maestro Software Downloads

Droplet Digital PCR (ddPCR) technology provides an absolute measure of target DNA molecules with unrivaled accuracy, precision, and sensitivity, accelerating discovery and enabling new research strategies for the study of inherited disorders, cancer, and infectious disease. Probe assays for the QX100™ and QX200 Droplet Digital PCR systems provide single-copy PCR resolution without a standard curve. ddPCR probe assays are available with a FAM or HEX fluorophore. We offer:

Cfx Maestro Software Price


Cfx Maestro Software 2.0

  • Predesigned mutation detection probe assays
  • Predesigned copy number variation (CNV) probe assays
  • Additional ddPCR probe assays for CNV studies and gene expression analysis as well as dye-based assays will be available soon